I- Purgatorio
ده اللى هيخلى الاسكندرية تروح لبنان...
In my opinion, Purgatorio is a muse and is a pillar of support. He has had it the hard way, for the past quarter of a decade. Nothing turned out well for him, he has enjoyed the whole bouquet of bullshit, yet he never whined. Amid the bouquet’s peaks and classics, he’d check out on the ladies of his life and make sure they are alright and busy watching TV – then he’d have his own few moments chasing dragons.
It can get a whole lot frustrating to convince Purgatorio to write and not rip off what he wrote right away, even though to my eyes, he is the most talented writer. However, regardless of the art behind his words – his stories were able to move a city like Alexandria to want to go to Lebanon to kneel on its knees to his Snowhite asking her to be merciful and to allow things to be fixed. This Snowhite business requires books to be written and I am not the person and this is not the place. It is enough to mention that Purgatorio… isn’t the giving up kid. And in this lies further greatness.
But God won’t just let us be – or at least won’t let him be, for they obviously share a lot of unfinished business. Purgatorio now feeds on gin – yes, the most bleak of all spirits – every night, spends his day earning MS certificates with all its permutations in a white-collar sense that doesn’t go along with his darkness, spends his free time contemplating Lebanese asses as he sips on Starbucks products, spends his elevator times with Indians who make everyone uncomfortable… and secretly thinks about his long-missed old lady or about Snowhite.
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