Song of the Day

Last Flowers - Radiohead.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

bely bely bely.mp3

بمناسبة كومبو الأعياد
وأنه كلنا هنروح عند ستو
نأكل لحمة أو نفرقع بيرة
كل سنة وانتوا طيبين
واهداء خاص

بجد نفسى العب
من زمان ملعبتش
بلى كشرى وبلى عادة
وجعليظة بلى سادة
كل دى أنواع

(البلى البلى البلى)

عايزة تطلع عايزة مهارة
فيها نيشان وانا الصنارة
وهى دى حلاوة

(البلى البلى البلى)

من يوم ولادتى من طفولتى
وانا بالعب عند ستى
كنت بأغلب كل الحارة
كنت شاطر فيها بتارة
مفيش عيل فى زمانى كسبنى
(البلى البلى البلى)

محدش كان يقدر يهزمنى
(البلى البلى البلى)

بجد يا ناس البلى وحشنى
(البلى البلى البلى)

بجد نفسى العب
من زمان ملعبتش
لعبت طسة وترنجيلة
مثلثات وترنجانة
وهى دى أنواع

(البلى البلى البلى)

تركيزها بيبقى مية مية
عايزة سرعة من اللى هى
وهى دى خطورة

(البلى البلى البلى)

مليانة لحدى محدش قدى
غلبت عبد القادر وجدى
كسبت جوايز أخدت ميدالية
وكأس كبير على شكل بلية
مفيش لعيب فى الدنيا يغلبنى
(البلى البلى البلى)

مفيش واحد قدر يهزمنى
(البلى البلى البلى)

بجد يا ناس البلى وحشنى
(البلى البلى البلى)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Death is the road to awe.

The counting of breaths and trees,
The Clint Mansell/Radiohead competition,
Falling in love with men and women on billboards,
Drunk dialing and above all,
Playing Zuma in wet eyes.. and winning.

It will all come back again.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In a heartbeat.

There was a girl I used to know. She had the inextinguishable fire in her eyes and she grabbed life by the balls. Of the few times I met her, she was telling the story of her divorce, as she tried hard to keep the smoke of her cigarette away from her 4 year old daughter. She shopped for groceries after a long day at work, carried at least four big bags of miscellaneous items nobody really needed, her handbag, and a bottle of wine, and finally climbed the four floors of her building till she got to her apartment’s door. Breathless as she was, she chose not to put everything on the floor and get out the keys from her handbag… as not to dissipate her remaining energy on dos and re-dos, but rather to ring the bell instead and just fling inside to the kitchen. Once… twice… three and maybe four times. Her husband, who was watching TV inside, opened the door and shouted outrageously at her for ringing the bell. Ungrateful as he was, he found a bottle of good red wine being shattered into pieces over his head. Their marital relationship didn’t really pick up since then.

Unlike everyone on our table, her reaction seemed completely natural to me, the normal consequence to impatience, intolerance, non-cooperation and non-controllable lust for putting the blame. But everyone thought that wasn’t the right thing to do, probably even my mom… for she never did it.