“He believes you`re as important as a feather in the sky of his memories, flying endlessly, without having the least bit of control over yourself. He loves watching you, wanting to scream yet unable to, like a wounded chained straw dog, watching the carnival from behind the shatters on an old wooden deserted door. He knows you`re aching and breaking, and he wants more. He`d look up at the sky and watch you stray and bleed, and he`d lay a kiss on her forehead because he was touched by the awe of such a scene. They’d stretch their bare feet to feel the grass they are relaxing on. It seems you have been the empress each king strives to please but secretly wishes to devour. And devoured, he shall make you. Your tears, young child, are precious to me. They’re like diamonds that fall off your green irides, and they are invaluable. Yet, to him, your tears are an outstanding revenge platter, and never did a platter so cold taste so good. I can ask you to stop, but I won`t be able to make you.”
“They slit our throats, like we were flowers – and our milk, has been devoured.” – Marilyn Manson.
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