Song of the Day

Last Flowers - Radiohead.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Google "define:" fail.

I was selected to attend a three months script-writing workshop with a target output of writing a feature film. It’s something I always wanted to be tutored its guidelines. The workshop was reasonable in price, in timing, and in geography relative to where I live and work. More importantly, the workshop was sponsored by an Islamic community service centre – which I assume didn’t know my national ID says “Christian” when I was accepted- thus having room for me to play different mind tricks along the way with people from conservative stubborn backgrounds and all, apart from the usual conservative Copt school of thought which I happen to have dived deeper in. Guaranteed fun in other words.

The film I will have to write will have to be void of any sex. I can’t currently imagine how I – or anyone can write a long feature script that won’t strike you with the dumb idea of dude-there-is-sex-going-on-but-we-won’t-show-you-nah-nah-na-na but that’s another story. Yet that condition is feasible.. shameful and lame, yes.. but doable. The feature will also have to serve a “purpose”, I am not quite clear what’s the definition of this either but I trust myself on faking it when I have to. And finally it will have to be constructive in addressing that purpose.

Constructive... How will I ever be able to fake that?

I didn’t go.


i-define-u-not said...

I don`t know much about google "define",
but here's what Encarta's Thesaurus has about the following:

1-Constructive :
positive, helpful, productive, useful, beneficial, practical, fruitful, profitable.

and 2-Fail :
nose-dive, miss the mark,flop, fall flat, come to nothing, miscarry, fall short, not make the grade, not come up to scratch, break down, die, collapse, let down, disappoint, desert, betray, fade, diminish, decline & finally disappear.

If your essense is not constructive, then your failure is inevitable.
You're doomed to burnout then fade-away, like a fart in the wind..BANG then nothing.
Same goes for a movie script.

If only you can see how constructive you tend to be.
How attached to "principles" you are, against your own claims.
If you could see yourself from another's prespective you'll detect only two failures:

1-Failing to adhere to having-no-principles.

2-Failing to express and differentiate between "constructive" and "brain washing" which according to Encarta's dictionary is : "to impose a set of beliefs on somebody by the use of various coercive methods of indoctrination"

I guess according to google "define", you are "success".
You did the right thing by not going.
The future holds a lot of workshops, script-writing or animation..

Or have i failed to see you right?
No problem with that, just correct it chilled-out please.

Namaste said...

They say coptic churches are built in certain shapes,
a cross, a circle or a an ark.

My Church seems a bit like an ark.
But its ceiling is divided into sections by arcs which strongly resemble ribs, that of a whale.

Maybe churchs are like Noah's whale afterall.
Whales dive deep.

I hope this week you see depths like you've never seen before.

Anonymous said...

Down there i meant not Noah,
i meant Jonah.
I guess you are smart enough to have noticed it.
Jonah is the guy who refused to leave a mark, who ran away from the face of God and ran after nothingness.

Psalm 52 out for you, randomly.

Considering this comment,
don`t you worry,
don`t get angry,
and oh please don`t you get all-so-offensive.
this is the one last time i'm leaving a comment or viewing your blog.

Your core is not constructive, by choice.
You are nothing(this should be a compliment for you).
I have no intrest in being your blog reader, friend wala ya7zanoon.

May Goodness heal your wretched soul, the one you wretched with your own stupid choices and preferences.
It's bad enough already that someone with a potential like yours, an illuminating spirit, a shiny brain, a captivating being,
a most-pretty face, a fairy; would let all that to waste.
You're a magnificent one of a kind.
It's such a shame to turn that all into nothing.

I wish you become-not nothing, neither anything,
i wish you'd become something, something specific.

انسان, علي صورة الله و مثاله, مش مجرد كوم لحم
الله بنّاء, مش فاشل.

كل سنه ونتي و أهلك طيبين.
اخرستوس آنيستي, ايوا بجد, و هو ده سبب العيد, مش الرحمه من العسل و الطحينه.

السلام لك يا من أحببتكي حب أم لابنها
دوما ستحلق ذكراكي في قبة رأسي, دوما سأتمني لك كل خير

هافكني منك اهو أخيرا زي مانتي عايزه
, بس لو سمحتي فكك منّي, مش لازم الغلاسه و الرذاله و الاهانه و قلة الأدب.
انا شب سيس هفأ نوفل زي مانتي شايفه, مش حمل دبشك و خربشتك البشعه.

ٍافتقد أسلوبك في الحكي من الأن,

monamahfouz said...

لأ والنبى ايه؟ يابنى أنت لو وقفت على رموش عينيك عشان تحاول تضايقنى مش هتعرف.. وما دام بقى فارق معاك أوى وحياتك بلاش شغل تخانقتى فى شارع وتصالحنى فى حارة ده

وبعدين طبعا.. أنت مش قد خربشتى.. فبطل تنظير بقى عشان مش بأمسك نفسى الصراحة أحيانا من أبقى قليلة الأدب

Anonymous said...

عمري ما حاولت اضايقك, ولا عمري هاحاول..مضايقة الناس دي هوايتك انتي, عشان قليلة الادب زي ما قولتي علي نفسك.

تخانقني في شارع و تصالحني في حاره و امثال الحواري دي مالهاش اي لازمه.
انتي اللي اتخانقتي مش انا.
اصالحك؟, بقولّك مش عايز اعرفك تاني.

انتي فاكره نفسك قويه اوي!.

قوانين الطبيعه ثابته, اللي بيطلع فوق بينزل تحت غصب عنه,
و اللي يتكابر اوي زيك كده بيجيله ايام ينزل يتدغدغ علي جدور رقبته, بلاش تدغدغي رقبتك, رقبتك حلوه.

انا شيلت الشيء اللي بيقول علي اي كومنت بيتضاف هنا.
خربشي بقه, انبحي للصبح, اغرقي فالخرا لو عايزه

وات كامز اراوند,
جوز اراوند,
يا روحي.

و زي المثل الشعبي : الحلو حلو للناس و الوحّش وحّش علي نفسه

برضه, كل سنه ونتي طيبه, ربنا يسامحك و يفرحك و يفرّح الناس بيكي

معرفش ياعني ايه تنظير دي, بس اكيد معناها اي حاجه تقلّي ادبك بيها عليا

سلام, باي باي, الوداع, النهايه, بح, فينيتو

monamahfouz said...

Oh oh oh.. what is that? The 93275892th time I hear ya you ain't bouncing back..

You know what?

Please do what you say you're gonna do for once. Try it for a change. Do it for your own sake cause next time I ain't gonna look down upon your commenting and writing and your bullshit in silence hoping it will go away.. I will actually be more mean than you're pushing me to be.