Save all your efforts. It makes me feel more paralyzed seeing you squirm in front of my eyes, trying and failing and repeating. Everything I fake, I fake it for you. I don`t mind doing it, but I mind you believing it. It makes me feel as if I am acting – which I probably am doing, but I don`t feel it till I am believed. Kindly lie down next to me, let`s watch the stars and hear each other breathe. Let`s pretend we are interested in what we tell each other, it`s ok – we can nod too. I`ll lend you one of my speakers and I`ll let you think now you know what I am all about. Let me lie to you and tell you how I`ve never met anybody who makes me feel like you do. I can linger on about how my life was in its particular normal time frame before you came. Please don`t ask me if I ever smile though, I haven`t memorized those lines yet. Forgive me if I pause for a few seconds before I return your emotional revealing, sometimes I just need to – recollect. I am only here because I have nowhere else to go. You can do all you wish, I am the puppet in your realm that shall not object. But whatever you do, kindly only believe me when I reveal that… I am as ugly as I seem.
Here is what i got from the first five sentences :
It makes me feel like i am acting when you believe me,therefore don't.
So i don't believe the rest of it bastard fairy.
But i believe one thing ; you ARE as ugly as you seem.
You know what i mean :P .
You know when one takes things personally, one is the only one who gets delusional and thus suffers. Suit yourself :)
you said so much of what I always wanted to say. Now reading this, I remember a time in my life where this was how I always felt..and what's sad is this: I'd rather go back to that, than what is now.
حبيبتى.. البطران أخرته قطران.. انتى هتقوليلى !!؟
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