She approaches with a wide smile, a wine-coloured rose and her brown purse bag. She seems like the only coloured item in this grey autumn weather except perhaps for the green grass she rests on. In addition, the grey autumn weather doesn’t help in drying her shower-drenched brown curly hair, no, not at all.
“I know I am late, the traffic is just unbearable.” She starts.
“My mother doesn’t ask about you anymore – that’s really great for me” she says and then she sighs out “I am spared the headache.”
“Hey, I think I did well in my last two midterms…” she says with raised eye-brows, “It’s very weird since we’ve been spending too much time together.”
She gets out a small club sandwich out of her bag, “You hungry?” She offers the one she got and gets out another one for her.
“I don’t know why but everyone lately is being so nice to me,” she complains, “it’s not that I hate it or anything, I just find it awkward.”
“By the way, I passed by your place yesterday but probably you weren’t finished with work yet. Anyways the landlady kicked her son out but I couldn’t figure out why.” She continues as she munches on her sandwich, “I’ll never do that to my own son, if we ever decide to have one.”
Her phone rings; “Hold on, that’s my mom. Hello?”
“Hey, it’s time for me to go. It’s already late and I have to catch the last bus. Love you.”
By the time she leaves, her hair is nearly dry but the only coloured items in the arena are a rose and an untouched club sandwich lying on a not-so-old tombstone.
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