Nobody needs no saving around here. I hope we're clear on that.
We're just going to ride together in your car, hopefully a public bus,
hopefully even a train. We're going to go miserable places like
Alexandria and Fayoum, for no longer than one day, for only when
you go to a more miserable place do you feel relieved.
There won't be any talking around here. No sparse comments
about how good the food is, nor non-frequent comments about how
you enjoy red wine on winter afternoons with some French cheese
that none of us can pronounce its name right. But I don't speak
French, and I won't be able to point out your phonetical sins, only
because there won't be any spoken phonetical sins in the first place.
Nothing much will be going around here. We will read books on the
most lighted bench across the beach, or while lying on grass,
blinded by the sky light in the background of the parted thighs
of them books. If you like a particular paragraph or verse from yours,
save it for later use in one of your little pockets. And you'd better
have a few pockets...
We will go back the same way we came, we shall never switch
the medium. There will be a lot of similar rules around here.
Be it car, bus or train, it has to be the same back and forth.
You can then share what you've saved up. Make it brief.
We'll be putting music till we part, a lot of it. Sincere effort has to
be made avoiding the talk, since the most exciting sincere
form of attraction is between opposites that never meet.